With an educational grant from GFWC, the Manchester Women's Club partnered with the Manchester Recreation Division to create Little Free Libraries. They build and maintain the libraries and MWC keeps them filled. One of MWC's LFL original locations to promote literacy for children is located near an old firehouse, currently known as East Side Neighborhood Resource Center, 153 Spruce St, near building.
The current locations of Manchester, CT MWC LFL are:
1. Squire Village, 31 Channing Drive, off Spencer Street, near clubhouse
2. Verplanck School, 126 Olcott Street, near the splash pad
3. Waddell School, 163 Broad Street, near the playground
4. NorthWest Park, 448 Tolland Turnpike, near the playground’
5. Near Mary Cheney library, Center Memorial Park, 586 Main Street
6. East Side Neighborhood Resource Center, 153 Spruce St, near building
7. Charter Oak Park, 50 Charter Oak St
8. Community Y, 78 North Main St
What's unique about our libraries? We cater exclusively to youth, from babies to young teens. Our LFL are geared for children to young adult. Our members visit the libraries several times a week to ensure books are available when your children visit.