The Manchester Women's Club year runs from September to June. Each September our members vote on projects we want to be involved for the upcoming year, but, we're also available for a spur of the moment event. We strive to have at least one or two activities a month for our members to help with, but, there are some months, we're busy for a couple of activities a week.
Our 2022-2023 MWC Projects include
Autism seminar - We participated in a seminar on autism and how we can help
Butterfly Stroll - The Downtown Special Service District holds events to highlight our Downtown and MWC celebrates Downtown
Caps for Cancer Patients - this started as a Thank you to the De'Quattro Cancer Center for the help they gave one of our founding members and has grown. We want each patient to know we're thinking of them and want to help make them comfortable. Members knit and crochet caps to keep those undergoing cancer treatment warm.
Christmas and Holiday Cards for Convalescent Homes We wrote cards to guests of local facilities to let them know we're thinking of them
Celebrated 5 years of GFWC Federation - The Manchester Women's Club federation with GFWC in 2018 and we celebrate 5 years of being a part of an international women's club
Community Garden - MWC registered for a plot in the Spruce Street community garden to grow vegetables and produce for MACC. We've grown tomatoes and vegetables and our goal is to continue each year
Cougar Pantry We collect canned goods and dried foods at our monthly meeting and donate them to the CT State Community College Manchester, formerly known as Manchester Community College, Cougar Pantry
Docents for Sculpture Project House Tour Our members are available to help, wherever we've needed.
Donated books and teddy bears to GFWC Fall Conference GFWC (General Federation of Women's Clubs) host regular meetings of each of its district clubs each year and
each meeting has a theme.
Downtown Manchester Scarecrow – partnered with the Knitting Club to decorate the downtown wall
Lap Blankets - Members quilted, knit, and crocheted lap blankets for local convalescent homes, rehab facilities, and long term care facilities
Little Free Libraries Manchester Women's Club partnered with Manchester Recreation Division to install Little Free Libraries around town. The MWC LFL cater exclusively to babies to young adults. We're proud that during the quarantine and pandemic, while book stores and libraries were closed. the only place young Manchester readers could get books were from the Little Free Libraries. From our first installation in 2018, MWC has distributed over 10,000 to Manchester readers
MACC Volunteers MWC members volunteer at MACC and the MACC thrift store every day of week.
May baskets for nursing home Members created baskets and wrote 'Thinking of you' cards and delivered them to local care facilities
North Central District Day Manchester, along with 10 other towns, comprise the North Central Districts of GFWC and we meet annually to celebrate each clubs achievements and civic contributions.
Northwest Park Butterfly Garden Our members help wherever we're needed. This year, we had a committee of members who got together to weed and deadhead the Northwest Butterfly Garden from spring to fall
Northwest Park Clean-up MWC celebrates all of our parks and strive to keep them clean for our community to enjoy. It's sad that so many litter and dirty the park but our members pick a couple of parks a year and spend the day cleaning up the trash
Participated in Manchester Bicentennial Manchester celebrated its 20th birthday and MWC was there for the festivities
Prescription Bottle Collection As part of our environmental efforts, MWC has collected prescription pill bottles. We strive to keep the bottles out of the landfills and actively collected, clean, LABEL FREE bottles and mailed them off to Matthew 25 where the bottles are reused in inner-city clinics and Doctors Without Borders. Interested in learning how you can help? please email
Rebuilding Together Each year, MWC members form a team to participate in Rebuilding Together
Scavenger Hunt MWC hosted a scavenger hunt. We worked with local businesses to create a townwide hunt. Hunters were given a list of clues. They used the clues to identify local businesses, snapped a photo of a unique treasure, emailed the results and the successful teams were entered in a drawing for one of 3 prizes
Supported Autism Families CT event with other GFWC CT Clubs
Tag Sale to support our scholarship fund On the 1st Saturday in June, MWC hosts a virtual tag sale. Sellers tell us where their tag sale is and we advertise it on a virtal map. Proceeds support the MWC Scholarship Fund
Volunteered at Silk City Art in the Park Our members help wherever we're needed
Wreaths Across America We participated in ceremonies at Hillstown Cemetary